Mind Focused Running Super Group Videos

Zoom sessions with some of the most inspirational people in ultra running and meditation.

Counsellor and Psychotherapist Sarah Farrell joins eleven female clients of Mind Focused Running on a MFR Super Group Zoom session to discuss Female Ultra Runners and the guilt emotions they experience to participate in ultra running as well as the imposter phenomenon, the feeling of not being good enough, not being a “real runner”.


1192km Ten Day Ultra Runner – 2 x AURA Ultra Performance of the Year Winner Annabel Hepworth joins the Mind Focused Running team on a Zoom session to talk about her incredible race experiences as well as her mental approach to ultra running.

The topics covered included questions about mental strategies for long ultras, Sri Chinmoy events, preparing for a race mentally the week before, how to manage projecting ahead during a race, how to avoid going into that very dark negative space, how to stay motivated both during an event and during training, goal setting (or not goal setting), sleep strategies and Annabel potentially running at a Run For The Ages Australia Fat Ass in Perth in June.



Scott Hawker speaks about the specific mental training he had done prior to UTMB 2019 which helped him recover from 41st position in the first half of the race to finish in third position. It’s a great story and lesson in not giving in to negative self talk and turning it around into a massive comeback. Lots of other subjects also covered including nutrition for long races, managing injury periods mentally, even the optimum place to go trail running on a holiday to NZ.



The Mind Focused Running team spend time with the amazing Jane Trumper who has run Canterbury to Rome solo, 1200km in Japan, solo across the Simpson Desert plus over 300 marathons and nine Coast to Kosci finishes.



Unified Mindfulness coach and facilitator Chris DiMeglio joins the Mind Focused running team discussing his 15 year background in meditation and answering questions on meditation in general and techniques.



World renowned trail runner Lucy Bartholomew joins a Mind Focused Running super group session and discusses coping mentally after her third place at Western States 2018, her vegan diet, her motivation for entering Ironman WA, running Larapinta solo, the issues with self expectations and body image in ultra runners, her Vipassana meditation in Nepal and a whole lot more.



Elizabeth Bennett joins the Mind Focused Running team to answer questions on how to deal with a runner’s mental states while crewing an ultra marathon. Liz’s crewing experience includes having crewed at the Coast to Kosciuszko 240km race nine times consecutively , and having crewed Mick Thwaites at elite level 48 Hour events.

Liz is an ultra runner herself having represented Australia at the World Mountain Running Championships.



A Mind Focused Running Supergroup session with Grahak Cunningham, Sri Chinmoy member and winner of the 3100 Mile Self Transcendence race in 2012. We discuss his experience of having run nearly 25,000km around a block in Queens New York in his five appearances at the Sri Chinmoy event as well we focus on his spirituality and meditation practice.



Yoga, Pilates, Weights, Gym, Cross Training? What should ultra runners be considering to add into their training regime to maximise the benefits. Susan Grober, Physiotherapist, Exercise and Sport Scientist joins Mind Focused Running to discuss this very relevant topic.



The Mind Focused Running team were very fortunate to chat to Isobel Ross on 21 Feb 2022 just days before she flies out to run the 2022 Barkley Marathons in Tennessee. Hear about Isobel’s learnings from Barkley 2019 and what has gone into the 2022 Barkley preparation as well as her goals for the race.



If you have ever thought of applying meditation and mindfulness techniques to improve your running, watch this video. The Mind Focused Running team get to share Kay Bretz’s learnings and wisdom of his journey into skillful mindful running, and a skillful mindful life.



A really terrific MFR Supergroup session. Nikki shares her experience running Badwater three times (and winning), setting the 48 Hour Australian record and her thoughts on captaining the Australian 24 Hour team competing in the Asian Championships in India in early July. 


Australian ultra runner Stephen Redfern had the rare opportunity to experience the 52 day Sri Chinmoy Self Transcendence Race, running laps of a half mile block in New York City in the summer of 2022 for nearly two months. Stephen discusses his path to being able to participate in this event, his preparation and most importantly his mindset and spiritual journey. Wise learnings here from Stephen for all ultra runners.


One of the things I really love about working with Phil Gore is how open he is to sharing his experience and knowledge not only with the Mind Focused Running team, but with the general running population at large. There’s nothing hidden, no “secret sauce”. If you want to see what it takes to train to run a Backyard ultra world record, just follow him on Strava. If you want to find out how to apply the mind strategies required to run a world record watch this session we recorded with the MFR guys on Thursday night. I know how immensely valuable the rest of the MFR team finds sharing our experiences in this way.