Mind Focused Running Athlete Info Form Please complete this form so I can get to know you a little better Runner Info First Name * Last Name * Mobile Phone * Email Address * Date of Birth * Coaching Package Nominated * Full Coaching Mind Coaching Only Mind coaching only is only available if you have a current running coach already. Name of your running coach How long have you been running? * Please provide some background to your running, why you started, what you love about it, and what motivates you * Please outline races you have run in the last few years up to and including marathon distance * Please outline ultra events you have run * What are your running strengths? * What are your running weaknesses * Outline any cross training you do reasonably regularly * Please outline any major running injuries you have suffered, and if you have any at the moment. Also outline any medical issues we need to be aware of. * How many days a week can you dedicate to running? Are there any days of the week you cannot run? * How much time in hours do you see yourself running on average a week when fully fit? * What of brand running watch do you use? * Do you upload to Strava? Free or Premium? * Have you explored meditation / mindfulness, if so please outline your background * What is you long term goal distance and / or race? * Please list events you are thinking of entering or have already entered. Include distance, date and whether you classify it as your "A", "B" or "C" race * A Race: One you are super committed to. B Race: One you are pretty interested in but not that committed to. C Race: Mainly a training run What would you like to achieve from our coaching? * Submit Δ